Contact Us

If you have any questions at all

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in Sole Sisters Running Club.

If you want to get in touch, please email us at

Your query might be answered below in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).


I have never run before. Can I join?

Yes, of course!

We host a beginner’s course for ladies who are new to running or who are returning after a long period of rest/illness/injury.

Courses typically run twice a year (January and September) you can find details at this link: Beginners Course

Do I need to get fit before I come along?

No, our beginners course is designed to help your fitness.

However we do advise that you consult your doctor before undertaking any serious training if you have any of the following conditions:

  • High blood pressure,
  • Heart disease,
  • Circulatory problems,
  • Diabetes,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Asthma,
  • Back pain,
  • Overweight,
  • Underweight
  • or any condition that requires regular checks and medication.

Please indicate any medical condition on your membership application form.

I can’t make all your sessions, can I still join?
Yes, there are no minimum requirements with regard to attending sessions. We do recommend you attend every session to maximise what you get from the course but it isn’t an issue if you have to miss a session.


What are the benefits of becoming a member?

On becoming a member below are some of the benefits you experience:
– You will get to run, walk and improve with the inclusive Sole Sisters community
– Access to qualified coaches at club runs
– The safety of running within a group (particularly on dark winter evenings)
– Pre-planned routes on club runs – let our coaches do this for you and take away the stress of planning a route – they might even take you somewhere new!
– Invitation to club social events

We also have partnerships with local brands and services which we are in the process of putting together a benefits page for all of our club members.

How much is it to join?

All of the details about membership, including the cost, can be found on our membership page.

Please click here to go straight to it: Membership

I'm not really into running races can I still join and run to keep fit?

Of course. 

As an all-women’s running club, we offer an enjoyable, non-competitive atmosphere where all standards of joggers/runners can partake in our club nights.
We also have our walking group on club nights too for those who may be injured or just prefer walking. 

Running with Us

Do I need any special gear?

No, a pair of ordinary trainers will do for a start, but after a while it may be worth getting some advice from a specialist running shop. 

You will probably want to think about buying a running bra as well.

Can I use headphones?

Although the use of headphones during a club run is not banned, we prefer members do not wear them.  

However if you cannot run without one, we urge you to only wear one earphone or use bone conducting headphones, this will ensure that directions, instructions from other runners and traffic can be heard at all times.

Do I get any discounts as a Sole Sister?

As a Sole Sister you can, on production of your membership card, get a discount at the following stores –






I’m having problems with my shoes

Take a look at these top tips from one of our experienced coaches:


Solution: Use parallel lacing to secure your foot without putting pressure on the top.

Lacing Method to Lessen Foot Pressure Parallel laces secure your feet without constricting them, which can happen when you use the usual criss-cross method. Here’s how you can do the technique:

Lace the first two eyelets on the big toe side of the tongue (not the first eyelet on either side of the tongue like you normally would). Bring the lace from the first eyelet straight across to the first eyelet on the other side of the tongue and push it through. Pull it straight up the side,skipping one eyelet, and thread it through the third eyelet. Pull it straight across the tongue,and push it through the third eyelet on the opposite side. Repeat until all eyelets are laced and tied.



Solution: Reduce forefoot constriction by using four shoelaces instead of two.

Un-cramp Your Toes With Four Laces Who said you can only use two? Using four laces gives you more control over how your shoes fit both along your forefoot and higher up on your heel.

Technique: Remove the laces and measure them. Buy two sets (four laces) half that length. On both shoes, use one lace for the bottom three eyelets and a second lace for the upper three eyelets. The end result will be two bows on each shoe, allowing you to tie the bottom laces looser to accommodate your wider forefoot.



Solution: Eliminate pressure on a “hot spot” by lacing around it, not directly over it.

How to Heal “Hot Spots” by Changing Your Shoe Lacing. lf your shoe rubs the top of your foot, leaving a “hot spot” or other irritation, use this lacing technique to help your foot heal

Technique: Place a lipstick smear on your hot spot. Slide your bare foot into your shoe and take it out.The mark on the underside of the tongue tells you which set(s) of eyelets to skip. Lace your shoe until you reach the eyelet before the spot. Take the lace back under and pull it up through the next eyelet on the same side. Take the lace across and continue to lace. Repeat this on the other side. You’ll have an empty spot on the tongue where no laces cross it,which should eliminate your pressure point.



Solution: Lift the upper material above your big toe up and off it.

Prevent Black Toenails with Zig-Zag Shoelace Technique Black toenails are a rite of passage for runners. They’re also ugly. Here’s a simple shoe lacing technique that can help you beat them and keep your toes the colour they should be.


Technique: Thread one end of the lace through the eyelet next to your big toe. Pull the end of that lace up to the last eyelet on the opposite side, bringing the lace through to the outside. Leave justenough slack at the top to tie a bow. Take the remaining portion of the lace straight across toward the outside of the shoe and then diagonally up toward the inside of the shoe. Repeat until all of the eyelets are laced. When you tug on the outside lace, it will pull the materialabove your big toe up and off your nail.



Solution: Create a more secure fit around the ankle without tightening the entire shoe.

Secure Your Ankle with a Shoelace Trick Add a little loop to the top of your laces. lt allows you to fasten your shoe around your ankle without putting pressure on the rest of your foot.

Technique: Lace as normal until one eyelet remains on each side. Draw the lace straight upon the outside of the shoe and bring it through the last eyelet. This will create a loop. Repeat on the other side, Cross each lace over the tongue, thread it through the opposite loop, and tie. The loops help to cinch in the material around your ankle to prevent your heel from slipping without making the rest of your shoe any tighter.


Does Sole Sisters offer members places in races such as the London Marathon?

The club applies for and usually receives one London Marathon place each year through our affiliation with England Athletics.

The allocation will be decided by pulling names/ envelopes during December. 

Eligibility for the ballot will be based on:

  • First claim club members must have been a member of Sole Sisters since the marathon of the preceding year of entry;
  • Not run London Marathon before in any capacity
  • Hold a rejection slip from London Marathon ballot
  • Have attended club evenings at least once per month for 10 months during the Marathon year (thecommittee will take into consideration any non-attendance due to injury)
  • The committee’s decision of eligibility for a guaranteed Sole Sisters club place is final

The Club

What is the purpose of the club?

The purpose of Sole Sisters is to provide fun, structured and safe runs for women of all ability levels.

Is Sole Sisters a fully affiliated club?

Yes, we are an England Athletics affiliated running group. 

There are numerous benefits to be had through affiliation; the most important is that, we as members are insured against third party accidents when training/during races and fun runs.  

Another benefit is that as an affiliated athlete you pay the reduced fee on all UK athletics permitted races.

Where can I find a copy of your club constitution?

You can find a copy at this link.  It is renewed annually as part of our AGM.

Our Runs

Where do you run?

We run from a variety of venues around North Bristol:

  • Baileys Court
  • Filton Community Centre
  • Greenfield Centre
  • Patchway Sports & Social Club
What time & days does the club meet?

We run every Monday from 6pm, with each group (3, 4, 5, and 6 miles) leaving at slightly staggered times. Please contact us for the exact time of a group if you are interested in joining us for the first time.  

It is advisable that you arrive at our meeting place at least 15 minutes prior to the run time.  This is required for insurance and safety purposes.   

Please visit the Club Diary for each week’s venue and click the date you are interested in attending for more information.

We also meet informally at other times throughout the week. Details of such runs are made available to our members on a weekly basis. 

Please contact us for more details.

How far do you run?

Our Monday club night usually sees the following groups going out:-

  • 3 Mile
  • 4 Mile
  • 5 Mile
  • 6 Mile


Do you run in bad weather?
In the event of bad weather, the following contingency plans are in place:

  • If running conditions transpire on the day to be dangerous underfoot then we will endeavour to contact as many members as possible for that evening (if in doubt please check our website, Facebook or Twitter accounts).
  • If we are unable to contact every member then a committee member will attend the meeting place to advise anyone who attends. 
  • If the weather doesn’t turn particularly sour until the end of the day then we will advise members as they arrive that the run is off.
  • Usually we will not cancel the run if it is cold, raining or snowing however if it is particularly icy then we will make a decision accordingly.
Do you do track work?

Not currently however we plan routes both on and off road to keep your running interesting!

Who organises the runs?

Each group is assigned, where possible at least 2 coaches.  One is the lead coach informing you of your route for the evening, the other coach is there to assist with the safe management of the run.

At the start of the run the lead coach will advise the route and where the re-grouping points will be.

If you find yourself at the front of the group and do not know where you are going you must stop and await the lead coaches’ instructions.  Failure to do so will not only find you lost but running outside of our insurance.

If however you wish to continue to run, double back (cherry pick) and meet the main group.  You must always run to the re-grouping point and wait the lead coach advice to ensure that you are all accounted for and it is safe to continue.

What if I feel unwell whilst out running?

If you have given blood or feel unwell 48 hours prior to club evenings we advise you not to attend. 

If you feel unwell during our run, please advise the closest person to you who will then inform one of the coaches assigned to the group.

Other Questions

Where can I find future race information?

Avon Athletics Association publish their Race Diary, which contains local road and off-road races. Please click below to view it:

Race Diary

Do you have any social events?

We organise social evenings where all members are welcome.  

We also have a large contact list of members who may not be able to attend each training night, but still like to be kept informed.

You can view our social events by visiting our Club Diary or clicking on this link: Social Events

How do I contact the club?

Please email us at, fill in our enquiry form or message us via Facebook or Twitter.

If you have any questions at all